

coffee shop


With our first assignment, we created and formatted a coffee shop blog that was design on Photoshop. As we went through styling the page together, there were many different tags and styles that were used in order to organize the page neatly. The formatting of the page made sense with the different sections such as header, navigation, article, and footer. A separate stylesheet was also used to keep track of the styling of the page and also used across the roasters page as well with the help of the link tag.

While working on the roasters page, it went pretty smoothly since it only required the change in paragraphs, different header image, and an additional image at the bottom of the page. Linking the roaster page to the main coffee shop home was easy as well since the <a> tag was already in place for the link to be added. The only problem that occurred to me was forgetting to end the tag for the navigation which threw off the navigation bar and added an extra box.

Overall, the coding for this blog made a lot of sense to me and was pretty straight forward. The only thing I would do to do better next time is to be more cautious of the coding and make sure the syntax is right in order to save a lot of time.

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